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Port Elliot Ratalang
Ngarrindjeri Tour
A special place which plays a big part in our Miwi
Experience the Nurrunderi story of creation with a local Ngarrindjeri guide. You will see the footprints of Nurrunderi, the sights of significance along his journey,
bush foods and bush medicines and their importance.
Nurrunderi is the creator of Ngarrindjeri land, waters and cosmology. his journey through Ruwe (land and waters) is the basis of our identity.
Nurrunderi stopped at Middleton on his journey across the Ruwe and customers get to see where he stopped and understand what was the significance of his journey through Ratalang.
Our customers get to appreciate the before and after of Ratalang and why this place plays a huge part in our Miwi or inner self.

What Our Visitors Say

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